New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net
The Wolf Pack Network features a twice monthly Fusion net on the second and fourth Friday of every month at 8:00 PM Eastern Time called "The New England Wolf Pack Fusion net" This net is New England centric net, and covers topics of interest to operators living in the region. There is also a question and answer portion to help operators get the most out of their Fusion radios.
You can connect to the net in the following ways:
1) Local Repeaters: The following repeaters usually carry the net:
147.075 - Stoneham, MA
147.240 - Farmington, NH
448.325 - Methuen, MA
We are always looking for new repeaters to join in for the net.
2) Wires-X: Room number 28941 - Wolf-Den
3) YSF Reflector: With a Hotspot, you can access the YSF Reflector "US WolfDen"
4) Echolink If you don't have a Fusion radio yet, you can connect through Echolink at "WO1VES/R"
You can connect to the net in the following ways:
1) Local Repeaters: The following repeaters usually carry the net:
147.075 - Stoneham, MA
147.240 - Farmington, NH
448.325 - Methuen, MA
We are always looking for new repeaters to join in for the net.
2) Wires-X: Room number 28941 - Wolf-Den
3) YSF Reflector: With a Hotspot, you can access the YSF Reflector "US WolfDen"
4) Echolink If you don't have a Fusion radio yet, you can connect through Echolink at "WO1VES/R"